Getting Real Results From Your Marketing Efforts Will Not Just Happen By Chance, Nor Is It Just Common Sense.
We believe that driving non-paid (free) traffic to your website is one of the best ways to maximize your marketing dollars. We’ve developed an SEO program to help small and medium businesses get ranking, traffic & new customers.
TMC recognizes that the needs of a small business differ greatly than those of a large company. Over the years, we have put a lot of effort into determining what works for small companies online and what doesn’t. Our SMB SEO Program is perfect for small businesses with limited budgets and wants to get the most value out of their money.
What does the Small Business SEO Packages Include?
• Structured Program – Put our SEO team to work for you – each month they will complete deliverables based
on the high priority elements needed in your SEO strategy.
• Website Implementation – Not only do we offer our expert advice, we implement it too. Our team will take
the recommendations that we make and apply them to your website.
• Monthly Report – Get your results summarized once a month, as well as a comprehensive report for how your
website is performing.
• Consultation – Periodic phone calls with an SEO expert to review your deliverables and report, as well address
any industry changes you need to know about.
• SEO Questions Support – Throughout the month, we are available to get your SEO questions addressed
Get in touch with us today through our contact form, and let's start crafting your path to success. We're here to listen, collaborate, and bring your marketing goals to life.